Staff Augmentation - Hiring Remotely

Unlocking Growth Potential: Exploring IT Staff Augmentation Benefits

12 months ago - 7 min read

Staff Augmentation - Hiring Remotely

IT Staff Augmentation: A Paradigm Shift in Talent Acquisition

13 months ago - 6 min read

Staff Augmentation - Hiring Remotely

Offshore Software Development Company or Headhunting Agency: Which To Choose?

15 months ago - 9 min read

Remote Work - Staff Augmentation - Payment & Salary

The Dos and Don'ts of Salary Negotiation

18 months ago - 8 min read

Staff Augmentation - Companies - Hiring Remotely

In-House Team or Staff Augmentation? Discover the Best Option for You

21 months ago - 14 min read

Staff Augmentation - Companies - Hiring Remotely

How Remote Hiring in LATAM Can Help You Stay Afloat in This Downturn

23 months ago - 12 min read

Staff Augmentation - Managing Remotely - Hiring Remotely

Key Differences Between U.S. and LATAM Engineers

24 months ago - 10 min read

Staff Augmentation - Companies - Managing Remotely - Hiring Remotely

Building My Own Remote Team vs. Outsourcing: Which Is Best For Me?

25 months ago - 20 min read

Remote Work - Staff Augmentation

Nexton Academy: See how the first edition went!

27 months ago - 9 min read

Staff Augmentation - Companies - Managing Remotely

5 Reasons You Should Choose a Headhunting Agency to Hire Remote Talent

27 months ago - 9 min read

Remote Work - Staff Augmentation - Payment & Salary

Crypto Payments: How to Turn USDT into USD

31 months ago - 8 min read

Remote Work - Staff Augmentation - Hiring Remotely

How to Hire the Best Remote Engineers

31 months ago - 16 min read

Remote Work - Staff Augmentation - Payment & Salary

Everything you Need to Know to Get Paid in Crypto

31 months ago - 15 min read

Remote Work - Staff Augmentation - Managing Remotely

Designing the Best Experience for your Company’s Remote Team Members

41 months ago - 9 min read

Co-Founder at Nexton. Purpose-driven engineer, artist, and entrepreneur. Passionate about systems optimization and achieving massive positive impact.
Lead Designer
I read clients' minds
Front End Developer
I like to focus on performance and experience!
Co-Founder & CEO at Nexton
Lead Engineer
I’m interested in challenging projects that allows me to work with emerging technologies.
Iryna Bilyk is an expert content marketing manager at YouTeam, passionately writing about technology and software development solutions.
People Experience Manager
Blog Team
Nexton empowers companies connecting them with the strongest engineering talent in LATAM.
Experienced Systems Engineer & VP of Talent at Nexton, connecting the best engineering talent in LATAM with global job opportunities.
Managing Director at @YPFventures
Alumn StanfordBiz and StanfordEarth • made in Argentina • on a journey to decarbonize Latam

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