Productivity - 4-day Workweek

4-day Workweek? It's Possible, we are Implementing it

17 months ago - 7 min read

Talent - Productivity - Technology

The Good, the Bad & the Perfect of the Django Framework

19 months ago - 9 min read

Remote Work - Productivity

How to Thrive in a Remote Startup Culture

24 months ago - 9 min read

Talent - Remote Work - Productivity

Stuck in a Boring Engineering Project? Learn How to Hang in There & Boost Your Motivation

24 months ago - 10 min read

Talent - Productivity - Software - Technology - Infrastructure

7 Cross-Platform Code Editors All Engineers Must Know

24 months ago - 8 min read


How to Communicate Effectively with your Direct Reports as a PM or Leader

27 months ago - 8 min read

Remote Work - Productivity

A Day in the Life of an Engineering Manager

28 months ago - 9 min read

Productivity - Software

3 ways to Deploy and Test Applications with Docker

28 months ago - 8 min read

Productivity - Career Development

Improve your Coding Skills by Achieving these Four Goals

30 months ago - 9 min read

Remote Work - Productivity

What Does Being a Good Remote Team Member Mean?

33 months ago - 8 min read

Remote Work - Productivity

5 Apps to Organize your Daily Routine as a Remote Developer

34 months ago - 7 min read

Productivity - Career Development

Why are Communications Skills Critical to Engineers?

34 months ago - 8 min read

Productivity - Career Development

Why you Should Use Live Dashboards

35 months ago - 9 min read

Productivity - Career Development

4 Non-Coding Skills that Every Developer Must Master

37 months ago - 9 min read

Co-Founder at Nexton. Purpose-driven engineer, artist, and entrepreneur. Passionate about systems optimization and achieving massive positive impact.
Lead Designer
I read clients' minds
Front End Developer
I like to focus on performance and experience!
Co-Founder & CEO at Nexton
Lead Engineer
I’m interested in challenging projects that allows me to work with emerging technologies.
Iryna Bilyk is an expert content marketing manager at YouTeam, passionately writing about technology and software development solutions.
People Experience Manager
Blog Team
Nexton empowers companies connecting them with the strongest engineering talent in LATAM.
Experienced Systems Engineer & VP of Talent at Nexton, connecting the best engineering talent in LATAM with global job opportunities.
Managing Director at @YPFventures
Alumn StanfordBiz and StanfordEarth • made in Argentina • on a journey to decarbonize Latam

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